
Welcome To Space Elevator

Space Elevator is a FREE virtual reality design tool that allows you to step into the role of an architect. This unconventional editor simplifies and adds an element of fun to creating and editing spatial environments. 

Inside an embodied virtual environment, every architectural element is both interactable and true-to-size. This approach allows you to delve into a design process centered around the feel of a space. Experiment with a room’s ceiling height, explore how color influences your perception, or step beyond conventional architecture and create spaces that feel truly otherworldly.


You can use Space Elevator to bring your dream house to life or delve into the narrative-driven scenes we’ve crafted. You can also join our community to showcase your designs, and connect with fellow enthusiasts.



Do you want to send someone a Space Elevator file you have created?

Do you need to export the building you have designed?

Consult our Manual.


We are Numena, a small team of architects and programmers working on traditional architecture projects, as well as VR and AR applications. Space Elevator is the public version of a design tool we have developed to help our clients. We wanted to help them make adjustments to their buildings, and understand how the space changes as a consequence.

To continue developing this free tool, we need your help. Please consider becoming a Patreon supporter. In exchange, we offer you access to additional monthly sample files and design challenges.


Questions or feedback?
Join our Discord server or contact us at info@numena.de.

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